First Sun

On January 1, at about 6am, a few demented souls geared up and rode out to watch the first day of the new year begin.  We groggily rode to the Atlantic Ocean in time to see the beautiful and peaceful first sunrise for the United States in 2011. The entire experience was perfect.  It looked to be cloudy and foggy but as the sun came up the fog burned away and the clouds and sunlight played together to create an amazing red sky.  As one person said, “the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen.”

Photos do not do justice; nonetheless, here are three.

We hope you get what you desire in 2011.  We, at the Studio, think it’s going to be an amazing 12-months--if the first sunrise is any indication; our experience shows that the first sunrise always sets the stage for the year.

We look forward to seeing you in the light of the new year.

The Sun is coming up, really; it'll be here any moment.

First ray above the horizon.

Full Sun above the Atlantic ocean.