Welcome Broadsheet Coffee Roasters


We are very pleased to announce the arrival of our newest guest roaster, Broadsheet Coffee Roasters from Cambridge MA. Named after the large-size format of newspaper first printed and distributed in Cambridge, this brand-new business is becoming one of the most well-regarded coffee roasting companies here in the Commonwealth.

As complete and utter coffee nerds, we always make sure to check out any new and hyped coffee business in our area. We were struck by their friendly, knowledgeable staff, and as soon as we sampled their product in both drip and espresso, we knew they would make an excellent guest roaster for our cafe. Sticking to a medium-light roast profile, Aaron, the founder, sources impeccable green coffee and is a truly committed and thoughtful roaster. 


Aaron MacDougall is the founder of Broadsheet Coffee, and is their main roaster. His skills have earned his coffee several awards in 2017. He and his Lead Barista John Yee were recently in New Orleans competing at the US Coffee Championships. John is competing in the brewer's cup with the Ethiopia Kochere that we will be serving as a pour over. We are excited to see how it places! 

Come to Lexington to enjoy a cup!