Welcome Spyhouse Coffee!

Spyhouse Coffee Roasters now on the bar!

We’re welcoming Spyhouse Coffee as our guest roaster for this cycle! They are an up-and-coming roaster from Minnesota and with 5 shops already in the Minneapolis area. And being from the northern US, they are as familiar as we are with harsh winters and keeping their passions alive no matter what the conditions are outdoors. As an established farm-to-cup operation with their own roasting facility in Northeast Minneapolis, Spyhouse has developed strong relationships with farmers in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Columbia, Kenya, and Brazil. What we have on our menu at Ride Studio Cafe currently are two delicious pourovers (and these will rotate!): the Chelbassa from Ethiopia and Finca Angelina (or ‘Fangelina’ as our coffee guru Ike likes to call it) from Costa Rica. The Chelbassa is an exhilarating cup that brings forth notes of apricot, elderflower, and if you look for it a little bit of lemonade. The Finca Angelina is a soft cup with a tea-like body. Notes of elderberry and aged rum are present with a lingering grapefruit zest to balance it out. We will also be featuring Orion, their signature blend, in our espresso drinks. Come in and enjoy any one (or all!) of these delicious drinks.