Embrocation Cycling Journal 6

Watching the 2009 Paris-Roubaix DVD, again, Joe Staples' quote from Embrocation v6 comes to mind:

"Real pave is 700% tougher than it looks on T.V."


Okay, I'm slow.  Very slow.  Embrocation Cycling Journal v6 hit about a month ago.  So, why is the Studio just getting around to mentioning it now?  Well, every time I pick up 6 and start writing, I immediately start reading 6; next thing I know, it's lights out in S block.

So, here are a few E6 apertifs if you have been living under a rock--like me:

IllustrationPeter Rubijono.  Got to meet this contemporary Renaissance man a few months ago.  Like an onion--made me cry, but what I mean is that he has layers.

Photographer:  Chris Milliman.  Just go look at his photos.  Nothing I can add.  Just look.

Race Coverage: Tour of California.  An article without a single sentence.  By Daniel Sharp.  We had the pleasure of meeting him much too briefly when the Rapha Condor team roared through town earlier this year.

Person:  Clint.  How can the nicest guy you're ever likely to meet look so pissed off in his photos?

Quote"On this issue we explore the sum of all parts that propel us forward, commentating on a very personal level the wonderful outcomes that happen when you mix bicycles, passion, and art." -  Embrocation Cycling Journal

Another in the Embrocation series that makes me want to ride--even in this likely freezing weather.

Thank you Jeremy.  Thank you James.